Sunday, May 20, 2012

RG2011... The Power of The KALIMAH TAUHID - LA ILAHA ILLALLAH To Achieve Peace - Eternal Happiness - ABode of Peace - Tranquility and Contentment



 Kalimah LA ILAHA ILLALLAH is the Greatest testimonial Word [ KALIMAH] sent by Almighty Allah through 124,000 Messengers and Prophets, to bring the
 HUmanity to Paradise and to the Presence of Almighty Allah.
  •  Do we know that this the KALIMAH of Testimony and very clearly the KALIMAH of Witnessing as prescribed by Almighty Allah?
  •  This shows there is a Knowledge of Witnessing and Greater Wisdoms of Witnessing - Am not even discussing the Subject of Reality and Secrets of Wisdoms of Witnessing [ Many verses of Al Quraan and hadis are referred to this truth and reality]
  • In 7 Heavens if Trillions of Angels Believe in One ILLAH why do they keep repeating There is NO ILLAH Except Allah?.
  •  Why do we Negate and then affirm , Why just dont you Affirm as One Lord?.
  •  How can there more than One Lord - Like Nothing can Compare the Sun no Two Suns - Why there should be even any imagination to make an existence of a second Lord or god as the humans use the word.Have anyone seen The Real Lord and ILLAH to make any comparison or similarity?. Therefore to talk even about any similarity or utter existence is absolutely a transgression.
  •  Have we been ever told this the KALIMAH where the knowledge is beyond the depth of oceans and if oceans were to be converted to ink and trees were to be converted to pens - all of these will exhaust but never the Word of the KALIMAH ROBB [ Surah Al Kahfi Verse 109], yes the knowledge of this KALIMAH is already here in this world and in the hearts of the AHLI KALIMAH LA ILAHA ILLALLAH [ Hadis 32 page 150 book Fazadhail Zikir - Mawlana Zakariya].
  •  Do we know if we dont learn the Knowledge of this KALIMAH we will not be able to UTTER the KALIMAH during our last , even if 100 of people around us  were to force us to say it?.
  •  Do you know this is the Key to paradise given on this earth even before you are buried into your grave?.
  •  Do you know learning the Knowledge of this Kalimah is FARDHU AIN - The Most Important Knowledge on this Universe
  •  Do you know that The Holy Prophet SAW taught his companions for the first 13 years from the first day of Prophethood even before the descend of prayers
  •  Do you know that this is the KALIMAH that guarantees you with Iman / Taqwa / Zikir of the all your consciousness / This is the Kalimah that brings peace to you and this is the KALIMAH that brings IKHLAS to all of your ammal and worships?
  •  Do you know that those who Knows his ILLAH through the knowledge - Wisdom and Reality of this KALIMAH will guarantee protection from the Fire of Hell [ many hadiths of Iman and The Kalimah Thoyibbah].
  •  Do you know that This KALIMAH when uttered as your last words before you die will be a guarantee to the paradise?
  •  Therefore we are INVITING ALL OF YOU based on Almighty Allah's Command [ Surah Muhamad Verse 19] to learn and to strengthern your knowledge of ILLAH and then about Almighty Allah SWT - and those who turn away from learning this KALIMAH Allah SWT Says they are arrogant people [ Surah Asoffat - Verse 35]. and they will come in yaumul Qiyamah with heavy burden on all their deeds and worships [ Surah Taha - Verse 100-105] because they never know their ILLAH and They were totally ignorant of Almighty Allah SWT , The Muslims know about their Worships . Deeds and their creations but Never did they Learn about Almighty Allah SWT.
  • Learn the Knowledge of this KALIMAH from people of the KALIMAH as mentioned in Hadis as [ The AHLI KALIMAH LA ILAHA ILLALLAH].
  • Those who ignore and turn away from learning the Knowledge of the KALIMAH is equal to those who says I dont need to know My Illah and My Creator Allah - Beacuse the Knowledge of The KALIMAH is Knowlege about Almighty Allah and about ILLAH
  • The Words cannot be applied to Almighty Allah SWT because the word ' god' is created by humans - the word leads to say gods - goddess - Believers must use only the Word "ILLAH" and Robbul Alameen.
  • OH MY LORD You are My witness that I have invited your servants to Know "ILLAH' and about You ALLAH SWT. I am reminding them all and the Ummah again without Knowing the Knowledge of this KALIMAH and its Wisdoms [ They will die without Uttering the KALIMAH and they wont be able to answer the Question of Munkar Nakir - Who Is Your ROBB ?. [ Man Roobukka ].

The more the humans do not know their Lord the more they become heartless Beings
Almighty Allah SWT with His Command in Surah Azdariyah Verse 56 [ I have not Created Jinns and Humans EXCEPT to Worship Me]. - This Relates very clearly Worship
must be done 5 times daily by Physical Body and Worship by Heart 24 Hours [ Surah Maarij Verse 20 Eternal and Permanent Prayer] and worship by Roh and Sirr.
[ Surah Muzzamil Verse 5-8]
Worship of Almighty is sole reason we are created and this is confirmed by the verse above and worship should not be disconnected at any point of time.
The Lesser the human do not recognize their Lord , The More Life will become tough on Them until they realize to know their Lord
The Soul and Heart will drive the Life of those who do not their Lord to Mishaps, Troubles , Misfortunes , Test , Exams
The Life is connected to Almighty Only when you know Who is in Real Control of Breath and Life
Know Your Lord More than You Know Your Dollars and Wealth - All of this World will bow on your feet.
All that you love in this World are temporal - Only The Love of Your Lord is Real , Genuine , Permanent and Beneficial
Oh Humans who have brains Return to your Lord - If not Almighty will make you to bow to Him with a microscopic Cancer Cell or A Virus Deadly Disease
Oh Humans The Greatest Mind is the Mind that Knows His Lord and His ILLAH
People have time for religion,social activties,meetings of all kinds, worships,but never they have time for almighty Lord who Created them.
Oh Humans your oxygen and life counts are getting lesser and lesser.
Revive Yoru Heart With Divine Wisdom and Recharge Your Heart WIth Life Provision of Thinking ABout Reality and Truth.
If You dont take steps to be nearer to Lord By Learning Divine Knowledge , The Life will force you to bow before Him , The Soul and Life has been empowered with
that Destiny Manevouring Power.
Human Beings Still dont realize How Allah SWT Works everyway to make Humans to submit to Him.
Diseases , Problems , Misfortunes , Upheveals , Are Sympotoms of Life not the Cause - The Real Cause is You are getting away from Almighty Allah.
The Power of Wisdoms Thoughts From People of WIsdoms are the Fountains of Streams of Spiritual Medicines for hearts that Seeks Peace Truth and Reality.
Seek Reality and Truth - Your Heart and Soul will Live Forever.
Thinking Humans in the path of Divine Reality and WIsdoms are the Greatest Assets of this Universe.
Death and Life is the Absolute Controlling Power of Almighty , Every Breath is a Life and A Death.
If Not For the People of Tauhid, Almighty would have crushed this entire Universe into dusts and pieces - SO raise Up to become people of Unity [ Tauhid]
Faith is the Most Greatest Power in This Universe. Faith can move a mountain.
Muslims have no faith - The Proof is they cant move even their own Bowels.
Be A Believer then you have pleased your Lord.
Muslims have Very great faith in Dollars, Wealth, Power, Fame , Name,Projects, Works, Carreers, Positions and they keep pursuing them until they die.
To know You have faith in Lord Almighty Seek the Divine Knowledge That is the Only Proof to show that You have Faith and Love For Allah SWT.
The Best of Human brains that knew astronomy,gegraphy, politics and etc are  today the foods of the worms and sands underneath
The Greatest of the Mind - The Minds of Prophets and Saints are alive today and will never perish forever [ science discovered some bodies].
Oh Mankind , Everything is perishing and all will perish except the Power that Keep Giving You Life Power and Eye Sight
A Real Believer is the One Who Submit the Heart and The Soul before His Lord adn Creator.
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Dr Ismail Bin Hj Kassim 

Dr Ismail Bin Hj Kassim 

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" Minuman para Anbia :"

" Anda masih mencari jodoh? Lawati"

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