Wednesday, April 3, 2013

RG2011... Phone Etiquette


Calling On the Phone

Courtesy is as important in speaking over the phone as in talking to people face to face. Phone calls generally should not be made before 7:00 in the morning or after 9:30/10:00 at night. Try to avoid mealtimes.

A person should always be certain of the number he is dialing to avoid disturbing someone unnecessarily. If you do reach a wrong number, it is important to say "I'm sorry, I dialed the wrong number." before hanging up.

After someone answers the phone, the caller should give his or her name before asking for the person desired.

When you talk on the telephone, remember:

your voice quality

express yourself clearly and concisely

The person at the other end of the phone cannot see your facial expressions or gestures and the impression he receives depends on what she hears. The telephone carries your voice at its natural volume and pitch. Try not to shout but speak clearly and distinctly.

Answering The Phone

The correct way to answer a telephone is "Hello." "Yes" is abrupt and a bit harsh, but "This is the Doe's house" is a bit vague and "Mrs. Doe speaking" is. . . . well, let's just put it this way, "Hello" is the most proper way to answer the telephone.

When the telephone in the home is answered by someone other than the head of the house and someone says, "May I speak to Mrs. Brown, please?" he or she should say, "Just a moment, please." If Mrs. Brown is unable to come to the phone, the correct reply is "Mrs. Brown can't come to the phone now. May I have your name, and she will call you back as soon as possible?"

If you must put the telephone down during the conversation, do it gently, and when you hang up, do it gently. DO NOT SLAM THE RECEIVER DOWN. The person at the other end may still have the phone close to his ear, and then a sudden sharp bang can be hurtful as well as rude.

Common Telephone Courtesy Hints

(1) Make sure of the correct number so as not to risk disturbing strangers.

(2) Make sure that your conversations with busy people are as brief as possible.

(3) When calling friends who do not recognize your voice, announce yourself right away.

(4) Time your calls so as not to interfere with the work schedule of those you call.

(5) Make business calls well before the close of the office hours.

(6) After dialing a wrong number simply say, "Sorry, wrong number."

(7) When the number you are calling is not answered quickly, wait long enough for someone to put aside what he or she is doing. It is very annoying to have been disturbed just to pick up the telephone and find the caller has hung up.



Arr...adapun sengajalah aku merahkan 2 point diatas, pasei aku perhatikan orang2 kite nih makin takde etika dalam calling2 neh....bukan saje orang kebanyakan, malah perkerja2 bank/krjn dll yg sepatutnya Professional pon sama juga, kantoi etika telefon.


Yg pertame tuh, apb kita call orang, sablom kita tanya dia ‘lu sapa’, patutnye kita yg perkenalkan diri dulu..”hello der..Gua nih..Carlos..ayahanda kampung dusun”...ha.. mcm tu..bukan kite call die kite lak yg tanye Lu sappa der???...jgn marah ler kalo aku jwb...”aku lah...Atok ko..dah luper penampor jepon aku mase ko kecik2 dulu?”


Yg kaler merah terakhir tuh....hadeiii...rimassss...rimass kalo orang call bertalu talu, sampai 15x miss call pon ade! Bile angkat bukan ade berite kematian ke ape.. Just nak tnye dah makan kew? U sayang i ker? I sayang u taww...i menci u taw...Ish... I rase nak panampor jer muke U tawwww! 


Patotnye, kite cal 1x, 2x, kalo tak jawab kite bawak2 pahamlah, mungkin die ade kerje,bz,dalam jamban ker,tgh tensen ker,putus cinte ker..atau ape2 lah...toksah lah bertalu talu calling mcm orang hilang akal,orang gile pon kalo dpt henpon takde mcm itu ghupernyer ..kasi break derr..kadang baru lepas cakap, tak sampai 2 minit call lagi...hadeiiii...ape punye manusie gile calling akupun tatau lah...



Nasihatlah diri sindri masing2. Jgn Pentingkan diri sindri.Kite ade hal..orang lain pon ade hal jugak...

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