Monday, June 18, 2012

RG2011... iklan: SMIDEX 2012



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SME INNOVATION SHOWCASE 2012 is back with more zest! With more to offer Malaysian companies than ever before.
Fresh layout, more booths and even more trade visitors.
This year marks the 15th year that SME Corp. Malaysia is organising its annual showcase, SME Innovation Showcase 2012 will see the convergence of the biggest number of exhibitors both from domestic and international markets.
This annual event is designed to showcase the capabilities and capacities of Malaysian SMEs in producing products, technologies and services for the global market. Large companies and multinational corporations (MNCs) are also welcomed to display parts and components they would like to procure from SMEs.
It is a huge opportunity for your business to prosper.
20 - 22 June 2012, at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

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" Minuman para Anbia :"

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