Tuesday, December 31, 2013
RG2011... Adakah tahun baru ini boleh disifatkan sebagai "Happy New Year"..
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Wed Jan 1, 2014 08:49 from Jasindaily Online by jasindaily online (noreply@blogger.com)
Kalau di Kelantan, pemandangan seperti ini adalah biasa. Tapi ini di Pulau Pinang di bawah kerajaan cina-DAP... Biarlah apa langau² otak kuda kayu nak kata, admin terharu melihat gambar ini.. Lokasi: Di Padang Majlis Bandaran Butterworth, P.Pinang Bersama: Ustaz Azhar Idrus, Pierre Andre, Syamsul Yusof.
Credit Gambar : Buletin Pakatan Rakyat
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RG2011... Umno Selangor threatens to protest over use of 'Allah' by non-Muslims
Umno Selangor threatens to protest over use of ‘Allah’ by non-Muslims
January 01, 2014
Catholic weekly Herald editor Father Lawrence Andrew insists that Christians can use the word 'Allah'. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, January 1, 2014.Umno Selangor is threatening to protest at all churches in the state on Sunday unless a senior Catholic priest apologises for insisting that Christians can use the word “Allah”, reported Umno mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia today.
Umno Gombak division chief Abdul Rahim Kamarudin said they would stage a protest if Catholic weekly Herald editor Father Lawrence Andrew does not withdraw his statement by Saturday.
"We have to be firm and cannot condone this. His actions are rude and we want him to apologise to all Muslims," Umno Kota Raja division chief Kamaruzzaman Johari said in the Malay language daily.
Umno Selangor liaison committee deputy chairman Datuk Abdul Shukor Idrus said Lawrence was challenging the sultan of Selangor’s decree prohibiting non-Muslims in the state from using “Allah” to describe God.
"Looking at His Majesty's decree, it is clearly meant to ensure the harmony of all races and religion in Selangor," he said.
In an interview last week, newly appointed director of Jais Ahmad Zaharin Mohd Saad said the state religious authorities would draw up a list of Selangor churches before writing to ask them to comply with the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation Among Muslims) Enactment 1988.
“We will write to all the churches in Selangor to respect the law that is in force in relation to this,” he was quoted as saying.
The enactment, which was passed by the Barisan Nasional state government, prohibits non-Muslims in Selangor from using 35 Arabic words and phrases, including “Allah”, “Nabi” (prophet), “Injil” (gospel) and “Insya'Allah” (God willing).
However, lawyers had challenged the move, saying that it was unconstitutional.
The latest to do so is the Catholic Lawyers' Society. Its president, Viola De Cruz Silva, said today there were no provisions in the Federal Constitution banning non-Muslims from propagating their religion in their community or to other non-Muslim communities or groups.
"Therefore, any intended letter from Jais to the churches in Selangor would be invalid," she said in a statement.
Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikkhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) president Jagir Singh said the 2009 decision by High Court judge Datuk Lau Bee Lan ruled that non-Muslims could use words like “Allah” provided it was confined to their own religious groups.
“It is only an offence by non-Muslims to use such words to propagate their religion to Muslims,” he had told The Malaysian Insider. – January 1, 2014.
He he...
Macai nak demo...tapi pemimpin elok ja berciom molot ngan Vatican...
Buta kare ja kena tipu...
Malaysia establishes diplomatic ties with Vatican
The Vatican said the talks between the two leaders had been "cordial"
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The Vatican and Malaysia have agreed to establish diplomatic ties, following a meeting between Pope Benedict XVI and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.
The move comes after years of talks between the Catholic Church and the government of majority-Muslim Malaysia.
Mr Najib's visit was said to have been intended to reassure Christians in his country, who have long complained of discrimination.
Ethnic and religious tensions have risen ahead of expected national polls.
On Monday Mr Najib met the Pope at his summer home near Rome.
In a statement, the Vatican said that during their "cordial conversations, the positive developments in bilateral relations were discussed and an agreement was reached to establish diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the Holy See".
The Vatican said the two leaders had also discussed the importance of cultural and religious dialogue for the promotion of peace, Associated Press news agency reports.
Mr Najib's meeting with the Pope is significant for Malaysia's Christian community, which makes up about 9% of the population.
Malaysia's constitution promises freedom of worship to all faiths, but a string of religious disputes in recent years has raised fears among the country's religious minorities that their rights are being eroded, says the BBC's Kuala Lumpur correspondent Jennifer Pak.
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RG2011... Who Are the Sabians?
Posted by akupun • In Uncategorised 2
Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.2:62-Yusof Ali.
There are two other verses in the Qur'an where the Sabians are mentioned:
[Surely, those who believe, and those who are the Jews and the Sabians and the Christians, whosoever believed in Allah and the Last Day, and worked righteousness, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.] (Al-Ma'idah 5:69)
[Those who believe, those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Sabians, Christians, Magians, and Polytheists,- Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment: For Allah is witness of all things.] (Al-Hajj 22:17)
In all these verses, the Qur'an mentions the Sabians together with Jews and Christians. Nothing is said about their religion, presumably because the Arabs of the Prophet's time already knew them as a religious group.
This is deducible from the fact that the Prophet's contemporaries, who queried him on almost everything in the Qur'an, were silent on the Sabians.
Early Muslim scholars tell us that the Sabians were a religious group who lived in southern Mesopotamia (Gündüz). Many scholars place the Sabians among the People of the Book, while some scholars did not accept this categorization because of their belief that the term People of the Book was specifically used for Jews and Christians.
All evidence points to the idea that the Sabians of the Qur'an were the Mandaeans of southern Iraq (Gündüz, 28-29). We know that the Mandaeans had been living in this area since the second century of the Christian era.
Their beliefs and cults have many similarities to Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism, the adherents of which are referred to in the Qur'an as the Majus, and carry various elements from these religious traditions (Gündüz, 28-29).
In the early Islamic period there was little scope for confusion about the identification of the Sabians, unlike in later sources. It is true that there are some differences between these scholars on some characteristics of the Sabians, but there is a common opinion about who the Sabians were and what the chief features of their religion were.
It was in the Abbasid period that speculations arose on the Sabians around the claim that they followed the planet cult of ancient Mesopotamia. From this period onwards, most scholars have seen a special connection between the term Sabians and the pagans of Harran, which was an ancient city of strategic importance and is now a village in south eastern Turkey.
The characteristic features of the Harranians, like polytheism and star and idol worship, have therefore been ascribed to the Sabians too. This is at variance with the views of the early scholars since they never mentioned polytheism or idol worship while describing the Sabians.
However, the later Muslim writers as well as the Jewish scholar Maimonides called the Harranians "the Sabians from Harran" (315-320).
As a Gnostic community, the Mandaeans were an obscure religious group. Gnosticism, according to the Oxford Concise Dictionary of World Religions, is "a complex of religious movements, having at least some of its roots in Jewish and pagan thought but appearing in developed form as a Christian heresy in the 2nd cent." (212).
The Mandaeans followed a policy of secrecy and isolation from the rest of the society. Their religion forbade them to reveal their secret beliefs and modes of worship to a non-believer. Revealing the secrets of the religion to an outsider was considered a sin.
When talking to people of another faith, they usually stressed small points of similarity between their beliefs and those of their audience. This limited information given by them was not enough for others to have a clear idea of their religious tradition. For this reason, guesswork on their belief system and practices became inevitable (Drower).
The Qur'an verses referred to above place Jews, Christians, and Sabians alongside Muslims, and say that any one among them who [believes in Allah and the Last Day and does righteous deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.]
For a proper understanding, these verses must be read in conjunction with another verse:
[And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will be one of the losers.] (Aal `Imran 3:85)
Although the cited verses seem to be incongruous, it should be noted that there are two meanings for "Islam." First, there is the essential Islam (submission to God) as the religion of all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Second, there is the completed religion or more accurately, way of life of Islam taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The verse quoted above refers to the essential Islam and not the completed Islam; and so there is no contradiction between the verses. That is to say, in the verses mentioning the Sabians, the Qur'an refers to those who follow the fundamental "religion" of living in obedience to the commandments of God as taught by Moses, Jesus, or any other prophet of God.
There is currently a religious group in Iraq called the Mandaeans. Although not much is known about them as they are very few, they may be the last remaining followers of the Sabian religion today.
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RG2011... Ramai polis disiasat kerana pengubahan wang haram sindiket pelacuran
Ramai polis disiasat kerana pengubahan wang haram sindiket pelacuran
January 01, 2014
Seorang pegawai kanan polis di Kuala Lumpur adalah antara 40 anggota polis yang sedang disiasat kerana mengubah berjuta-juta ringgit wang haram yang diperoleh sindiket pelacuran di Malaysia, sumber-sumber memberitahu The Malaysian Insider.
Difahamkan bahawa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) juga memperluaskan siasatannya termasuk pengubahan wang haram dan amalan rasuah oleh beberapa dozen anggota polis di seluruh negara.
"Mereka sedang disiasat kerana pengubahan wang haram, dan sekurang-kurangnya rasuah," kata satu sumber kepada The Malaysian Insider.
"Anggota polis ini boleh didakwa kerana sebab-sebab tersebut. Bergantung kepada bukti yang kita kumpul," tambah sumber itu.
Sumber lain pula berkata operasi pengubahan wang haram melibatkan jutaan ringgit dan dikesan selepas beberapa peristiwa tembak menembak antara polis dengan penjenayah pada tahun 2013 di mana beberapa gangster yang disyaki ditembak mati di beberapa bandar utama.
"Kami sedang menyiasat hubungan antara tembak menembak ini dengan operasi pengubahan wang haram," kata sumber itu.
Pada 26 Disember, SPRM mengesahkan bahawa seorang pegawai kanan polis bergelar 'Datuk' telah memberikan satu kenyataan, berkaitan kes pengubahan wang haram yang bernilai lebih RM6 juta.
Pengarah Siasatan SPRM Datuk Mustafar Ali (gambar) berkata, pegawai polis berkenaan telah memberi kenyataan di pejabat SPRM Putrajaya seminggu sebelum ini.
"Sebenarnya, kita telah memanggil pegawai kanan polis itu untuk mengambil kenyataan dan dan merakam perbualan.
"Beliau memberi kerjasama dengan baik dan kami mencatatkan kenyataan itu. Tiada tangkapan telah dibuat," beliau dipetik sebagai berkata oleh agensi berita Bernama.
Mustafa yang enggan mengulas lanjut, bagaimanapun berkata ia berkaitan dengan siasatan kes rasuah kerana wang telah ditemui di rumah pegawai itu dan berkemungkinan pegawai polis yang lain akan dipanggil untuk membantu dalam siasatan kes itu.
Sebuah akhbar melaporkan minggu lepas bahawa seorang pegawai kanan polis telah dipanggil untuk memberi kenyataan bagi membantu SPRM dalam siasatan terhadap tiga pegawai polis berhubung kes pengubahan wang haram.
Pada bulan November, akhbar harian itu juga melaporkan bahawa ketiga-tiga pegawai polis, berpangkat DSP, ASP dan Sarjan, ditahan secara berasingan oleh SPRM dan semasa penangkapan itu, SPRM menjumpai RM500, 000 dalam bentuk wang tunai, tiga jam tangan Rolex dan juga barang kemas.
Dua daripada pegawai ditangkap itu telah dipindahkan ke Johor dan yang ketiga ke Negeri Sembilan katanya, sambil menambah bahawa salah seorang pegawai telah disyaki terlibat dalam pengubahan RM1.7 juta wang haram dan RM4.3 juta. – 1 Januari, 2014.
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RG2011... Mcm Biasa,Parang dan Pisau ditemui,siapa yg punya? Tidak diketahui..
KUALA LUMPUR – Himpunan Turun mencemari sambutan ambang tahun baharu 2014 di Dataran Merdeka, di sini, malam tadi apabila dua anggota polis cedera akibat rempuhan peserta himpunan di samping balingan botol ke arah pentas persembahan.
Ketua Polis Daerah Dang Wangi, Asisten Komisioner Zainuddin Ahmad berkata, sambutan ambang tahun baharu anjuran Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) itu dicemari oleh kumpulan yang dikenali sebagai Rakyat Pilih Dataran Merdeka.
"Kehadiran peserta itu menyebabkan majlis sambutan ambang tahun baru terpaksa diberhentikan kerana kumpulan itu telah membuat kacau ganggu ketika majlis berlangsung," katanya.
Beliau berkata, peserta himpunan yang dianggarkan 5,000 hingga 6,000 orang itu telah berkumpul di beberapa lokasi antaranya di sebuah pusat membeli belah di Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Masjid Jamek dan Pasar Seni.
"Mereka telah melakukan kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 15 Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 kerana telah berarak dari lokasi tersebut," katanya pada sidang media, malam tadi..
Zainuddin berkata, pihaknya turut tidak menerima sebarang notis daripada penganjur himpun tersebut, ia turut menjadi kesalahan di bawah Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012.
"Mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman, pihak penganjur perlu mengemukakan notis pemakluman 10 hari sebelum sesuatu perhimpunan diadakan," katanya.
Menurutnya, sebelum kejadian rempuhan itu, pihaknya telah membuat halangan terhadap peserta himpun itu.
"Kami tidak mahu peserta itu menganggu penonton yang sedang menyaksikan persembahan konsert di Dataran Merdeka, namun mereka telah merempuh tiga halangan yang telah dibuat oleh kita.
"Saya difahamkan dua anggota polis cedera akibat rempuhan itu, kedua-dua anggota polis itu menerima rawatan di hospital berhampiran," katanya.
Zainuddin berkata, pihak keselamatan yang melakukan rondaan di Kompleks Dayabumi turut menjumpai empat parang panjang dan tiga pisau rambo di kompleks berkenaan.
"Pasukan khas yang ditubuhkan akan menyiasat kesalahan yang dipercayai dilakukan oleh peserta himpun itu termasuk penemuan senjata di Kompleks Dayabumi," katanya.
Beliau dalam pada itu turut memuji anggota polis yang ditugaskan mengawal sambutan ambang 2014 kerana berjaya mengelak sebarang insiden yang tidak diingini.
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RE: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak
From: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com [mailto:respeks_group@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of MOHD ZAWANI BIN MAT SAAD
Sent: Wednesday, January 01, 2014 10:33 AM
To: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak
Kalau gaji banyak boleh la cerita tabung sana.. tabung sini..cer cuba fikir org kais pagi makan pagi..kais petang makan malamm.....Hidup jangan pentingkan diri sendiri sajaaa.....kalau dah semua barang naik harga gaji x naik nak menabung cam mana???
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:11 PM
To: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak
Simpan,,, pendam rasa
Gaji RM600-900 simpan apa bongok!!!
2013/12/31 Judge <hairulndt@gmail.com>
tabung cincin berlian jangan lupa....dan juga tabung beli condo RM110 juta jugak....
2013/12/31 rio hirowati <riorhs@yahoo.com>
Bermula 1.1.2014, buat tabung:1; Tabung perbelanjaan sekolah2; Tabung keraian - kenduri kendarat dan derma3. Tabung Pakaian4. Tabung perubatan5. Tabung pergigian5. Tabung grocery6. Tabung pasar7. Tabung utiliti8. Tabung bencanaBila dapat gaji, isikan tabung2 itu terlebih dahulu dalam bentuk buku2 akaun kerana kalau tabung fisikal, sekali pencuri kebas, habis menangis tak berlagu. Juga tuliskan segala perbelanjaan, walaupun 5 sen untuk gula-gulaInsyallah, kita dapat ikuti perkembangan ekonomi rumahtangga kita.rhirowati - rhirowati
From: "mardhiyah@gmail.com" <mardhiyah@gmail.com>
To: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:36 AMSubject: Re: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak
Ouh, ko nak wat iklan jerit-jerit cmtu sape nk pedulik. Takyah ler wat ayat sindir org laen. Mcm gud2 je ko nih... Org berilmu ckp bende berhemah. Bukan bg contoh downgrade org laen. Choiii...
Sent by Maxis from my BlackBerry® smartphoneFrom: "Farah" <payment@smea.com.my>Sender: respeks_group@yahoogroups.comDate: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 11:24:47 +0800ReplyTo: respeks_group@yahoogroups.comSubject: RE: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak
Assalam utk semua yg berada dalam group ini.Saya tak Nampak dan tak faham apa yg nak disampaikan dalam tajuk kali ni.Bersungut ,Merungut kerana terpaksa menyediakan perbelanjaan utk persiapan anak-anak bersekolah.Nak sediakan barang-barang keperluan sekolah utk anak anak dari atas kepala hingga ke kaki anak anak bersekolah.Saya rasa tak perlu nak berada dalam situasi sebegitu!Kita sebagai ibubapa, penjaga, parent kepada anak- anak yg nak bersekolah kenalahKena lahBuat persediaan ,buat bajet paling tidak 3 tahun yang lalu sebelum anak anak masuk sekolah.Semua mak ayah tahu bila anak-anak bakal bersekolah,Jadi kena buat persediaan lah awal-awal!Aturkan perbelanjaan , bajet awal-awal!Peredaran masa, perubahan waktu,Melibatkan kos dalam kehidupan,Buat persediaan!Tak payah nak merungut, bersungut!Kita nak ubah orang dan keadaan memang tak boleh lah.Jadi kita kena ubah diri kita,Ubah punca ekonomi kita,Tingkatkan punca ekonomi kita,Ubah cara hidup kita!Jangan pakai guna,Alah anak nak sekolah lambat lagi!Biar lah dulu!Ayat dan tindakan sebegini lah yg menjerat leher sendiri!Simpanan tak der!Apa yg dapat kita habiskan.Tiba masa nak pakai guna RM yg banyak utk persiapan anak sekolah, RM tak cukup,Merungut, bersungut!Salahkan keadaan, salah kan orang lain,Salahkan politik lah, orang tu lah, orang nil ah!Sendiri yang salah tak Nampak, atau buat tak Nampak!Tak tengok diri sendiri!Simpan Rm tu dgn cara yg bijak!Pada yg merokok, maaf lah yer!Sehari boleh hanguskan RM10/=!Sebulan dah hangus RM300/=!Setahun RM3600/=Kaya tu!Mesti Rm byk yg masyuk!Takat belanja utk persiapan sekolah anak tu berapa lah sangat!!!Pada yg tak merokok pulak,jadilah penyimpan dan pelabur yang bijak yang boleh beri kitaPulangan yg menarik!Takat asnb tu beri kita hanya +- 8% jer setahun!Sama juga yg lainnya! Lebih kurang tu jer yg diberi kepada penyimpan dan pelabur!Tak bijak tu!Cari tempat yg boleh beri pulangan yang menarik!Yang pulangannya lebih dari 15% setahun!>15% setahun!!!!Nak tahu kat mana….Wattsup kat saya 0133009006. Jangan call!Buat simpanan dari wang yg dah sedia ada tapi kita tak boleh nak usik! Tengok angka jer lah !Pulangan tahun 2012 hanya 6.15%!sedih nya!!!!>15% setahun !Tak nak ker!!!Wasallam.Jika setahun simpan RM2400/= rasanyaTak der lah masalahnya!Jika tak cukup, top up la sikit dgn mana2 simpanan yg ada!Tambah2 lah sikit!Buat persediaan!!!Jgn merungut!Jgn bersungut!Jgn nak meroyan tak tentu pasal, tuduh orang lain macam macam bagai!Muhassabah diri!From: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com [mailto:respeks_group@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of -:eSpAcE9808:-
Sent: 30/12/2013 23:58
To: zzxmelayucyber
Subject: {Disarmed} RG2011... Fw: Perbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjakPerbelanjaan anak sekolah semakin naik melonjak.......... kite tunggu ape pule menteri UMNO nak beri ulasan..........
telokbakong.blogspotwak-labu.blogspotPosted by Wak Labu
Menteri UMNO kate:-
kalu hidup di Malaysia susah, pergi keluar dari Malaysia.....
kalu tol tak naik - cukai naik......
jangan makan ayam kalu ayam mahal......
dan lain2 lagi......
Berkenaan perbelanjaan anak sekolah ni mungkin ade menteri UMNO yang akan kate: "jangan pergi sekolah jike tidak mampu"----- Original Message -----From: -:eSpAcE9808:-Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2013 12:27 AMSubject: Fw: Anggaran KOS anak-anak masuk sekolah..!Anggaran KOS YANG DIPERLUKAN untuk anak-anak masuk sekolah..!!!
Posted by Kedah Lanie
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" Kedai Maya : http://halawahenterprise.blogspot.com/"
" Blog Sahabat RG : http://azwandengkil.blogspot.com"
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