saya pun pnh layan jg..sampai last sekali..saya bg ayat yg cukup2 kaw2 la..baru diammm
--- On Sat, 10/1/11, zinos zin <> wrote: From: zinos zin <> Subject: Re: RG2011... Fw: Assalamualaikum To: "" <> Date: Saturday, October 1, 2011, 1:19 PM
tu semua bohonh aje tu, tapi klau nak layan boleh, jg bayar pa pa pada dia, layan aje....sampai dia boring, saya banyak terima email macam ni, semua saya layan.......sampai dia orang boring....tapi jg hantar apa apa personal detail aje da le.....kena kan dia balik......
From: niza hamzah <> To: "" <> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2011 9:31 PM Subject: Re: RG2011... Fw: Assalamualaikum Cuba perhatikan persamaan surat ini,cuma ianya dalam bahasa inggeris.Surat sebegini saya terima hampir setiap hari dalam masa 10 tahun ini.Kalau menang loteri memang selalu sangat.Saya dah pernah berurusan dengan penipu sebegini tapi tak tertipu cuma nak tahu setakat mana cara penipuan mereka kemudian saya tak hubungi mereka lagi.
Salam dear
I'm Razilaini binti kamaruddin,i work as Marketing Officer in a gems processing company in London,i will like to introduce to you this business opportunity,I need your urgent assistance which will also be benefiting to you in terms of co-operation.
I am contacting you because I don't want to lose this opportunity in my company now and also in future,first of all,i want you to be the supplier (agent) to the company where I work so that both of us can take advantage of this business opportunity in the company now.
My company needs this product called (GOSHENITE LIQUID) Goshenite Liquid is a new scientific chemical fluid substance, its of lubricant, mainly used in the gemological laboratory for the purification of diamonds clarity treatment, it penetrate deep into diamond and vapourizes out black inclusion in diamonds and other precious stones.
The original supplier of this product is in Malaysia but the former supplier of this product to our company directly had an accident and died in UK, he was the marketing manager and since he got this accident the monopoly has been broken. Any person now can supply and merge into partnership with the company presently and this is the reason why I'm writing you seeking for your assistance,I just want you to act as an intermediary agent to stand the gap between the (sellers of the product and the buyers)
This is a big business which will be of a good dividends to both of us,I only need your co-operation to make these business successful,I will give you more information about this if you are willing to stand as the agent to supply my company this product.
Firstly, I will like to secure a supply contract deal for you as a supplier to the company where i work. Based on percentage, originally the actual purchasing price of this product by the company per Carton is 4,300.00usd while in (Malaysia ) the local selling price is 2,300.00usd and my company needs not less than 200 Cartons. The reason why I want you to be our agent is to be the link connecting the local seller in Malaysia directly to the buying company then the profit margin will be shared by both of us 50% to you while 50% to me. Your major assistance for me is just for you to talk to my manager that you can supply this product to my company and also go into details in terms of price and mode of payment then we can pick up from that point.
Try and get back to me as soon as you receive my email,so that i can give you the local seller's contact in Malaysia,so that you can call her to ask if she have this product in stock now to supply to you before i will inform my company director about you and my company director will contact you and start making an arrangement for our purchasing manager to fly down to malaysia and purchase this product from you and also pay you cash through bank there in Malaysia
Regards Razilaini binti kamaruddin
etting Started love life but not in love with it,scared of death but can't stop thinking of it.![]() From: DSJ <> To: Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 5:11 PM Subject: RE: RG2011... Fw: Assalamualaikum Betul balachi awang hitam atau gagak hitam. Tetapi banyak anak dara dan anak-anak perempuan dari kampong dan juga yang dari Bandar acap kali kena kelentung oleh mereka. TolonLah nasihat merek jangan lah terkena dengan dengan pujuk rayu, kata-kata manis awing hitam. From: [] On Behalf Of s mohdhamri Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 7:16 PM To: Subject: Re: RG2011... Fw: Assalamualaikum cara penulisan bukan dari org profersional nak kenalan ngn dia lah haha
Sent from my iPod ini email dr ROHANA AZMI...dahla msuk dlm my SPAM,erm...menipu2.. ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Rohana Azmi <> To: Sent: Monday, 26 September 2011 11:33 AM Subject: Assalamualaikum Terlebih dahulu,saya perkenalkan diri saya,saya ROHANA BINTI AZMI dari London (United Kingdom),ingin berkenalan dengan tuan-tuan dan puan-puan di sana. Saya ingin mengajak tuan-tuan/puan-puan kepada satu peluang niaga yang amat menarik,bagi anda yang minat berniaga...Inilah peluang anda!!! Produk ini di namakan(MULITE CLEANSER) Dan gunanya untuk mencuci perhiasan seperti batu permata yg masih mentah/yg sudah pun di process dan juga barangan kemas seperti rantai,cincin,gelang, dan banyak lagi. Dan pada masa yang sama Company tempat saya bekerja perlukan MULITE CLEANSER,dimana mineral tersbut boleh didapati melalui pembekal di Malaysia. Jadi bagi anda yang berminat dengan urus niaga ini,saya ingin anda menjadi Agent untuk menjual produk tersebut ke pada company tempat saya bekerja,(Anda membeli produk tersebut dari pembekal yang di malaysia terlebih dahulu dengan harga 2.250USD per carton dan menjual balek ke pada company tempat saya bekerja dengan harga 7.500USD per carton). Yang terpenting Niat dan ikhlas untuk mencari rezeki semata-mata kerana Allah. Insya allah, Allah akan membantu kita untuk kita mencari rezeki yang halal dan berkat saya ingin anda buat keputusan yang bijak, anda mampu mengubahnya..Insya allah' Sekiranya ada berminat atau ada sebarang pertanyaan, sila balas email terus kepada saya berdasarkan alamat di bawah atau sila berikan number untuk dihubungi dan saya akan terangkan melalui telefon: Insya allah saya cuba membantu anda. Semoga ikatan silaturrahim sesama kita diberkati Allah. Selamat berkenalan. | |
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