Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RG09... Bom bunuh diri di gereja,cetus perang agama di mesir.


21 people killed and 80 injured when a crowd of Egyptian Christian Copts, coming tonight from the church in Alexandria after the Christmas service, blew himself up, a suicide bomber. His improvised explosive device was packed with nuts and steel balls to the wounded was a little more. Immediately after that part of the Coptic rushed to a nearby mosque and tried to destroy it. In the way of the police and the Copts faced major battles with the Christians turned to the police special forces units.

Теракт в Александрии (5 фото)
 The police blocked a group of Christian youth, armed with homemade knives.

Полицейские заблокировали группу христианской молодежи, вооруженную самодельным холодным оружием.

Virtually the entire day, the police guarded the building of mosques from attack Copts. To serious clashes did not reach, but opposition in the form of small-scale skirmishes continued.

Практически весь день полицейские охраняли здание мечети от нападения коптов. До серьезных столкновений не доходило, но противостояние в виде мелких стычек продолжалось.

Muslim (in red) and some Christians are trying not to get into the mosque attacker Coptic Christians.

Мусульманин (в красном) и несколько христиан пытаются не дать проникнуть в мечеть атакующим христианам-коптам.

  And here are two Copt found themselves easy prey and blizzards boy-Muslim, tucked them under the arm.

А здесь два копта нашли себе легкую жертву и метелят мальчишку-мусульманина, подвернувшегося им под руку.

I must say that the Egyptian Copts - the largest Christian community in the Middle East. Among 80 million people in Egypt, Copts comprise about 10%.Christians and Muslims live in Egypt together quite peacefully many hundreds of years, but such collisions occur in different parts of the country permanently.


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