Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Re: RG09... Kelas Bahasa Inggeris


Saya jangkakan isu ini telah tamat diperkatakan, tetapi anggapan saya itu salaah sama sekali. Walau apa pun terima kasih kepada teguran yang dikemukakan oleh Shamsur dan Nor Azlin.

Pada awalnya, saya tidak membuat teguran ke atas makalah Nas Isma yang diposkan pada hari Selasa, 22 Mac 2011 jam 5.11 pm walaupun saya telah menyedarinya akan kesalahan tata bahasanya. Saya sengaja  berdiam diri, menunggu jika ada yang cerdik pandai mengutarakan teguran atau mengesyorkan pembetulan ayat-ayat berkenaan. Setelah menunggu selama lima (5) hari, pada 27 Mac 2011 jam 10. 30 pm barulah saya usulkan teguran berkenaan.

Persoalannya, mengapa tiada seorang pun yang bijak pandai dalam tata bahasa mengemukakan teguran dan pembetulan sedemikian dalam tempoh itu.. Malahan ada pula yang mengkritik saya disebabkan kata-kata yang keras mengutuk Nas Isma.

Alasan saya mudah sahaja.

Pertama beliau adalah berkelulusan PhD. Apakah seseorang yang kelulusan akademiknya begitu tinggi masih tidak berupaya memantapkan dalam penguasaan bahasa. Bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa kedua di negara ini. Sementelahan pula Nas Isma pernah menuntut di Amerika Syarikat. Pastinya bahasa Inggeris yang digunakan sebagai bahasa penghantarnya. Saya tidak pasti pula, ada Institusi pengajian di Amerika yang  menggunakan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa penghantarnya.

Sebagai lulusan PhD apakah ianya tidak memberi sebarang kesan ??? Apakah PhD itu memberi makna "Permanent head Damaged" ???

Walaupun saya sedia maklum bahawa di pusat-pusat pengajian tinggi di Amerika tidak menekankan sangat tentang grammer, tenses adjectives, adverbs, verbs dan lain-lain yang berkaitan dalam pengolahan ayat-ayat. Namun, dinegara kita, ianya amat dititikberatkan terutama sekali dalam bidang akademik dan pembelajaran. Di Amerika, apa yang perlu dalam pembelajaran dan pendidikan, pensyarah atau pemereksa hanya mementingkan akan isi atau kandungan dalam penyampaian maksud bagi sesuatu assignment. Karekteristik ayat tidak diberi tumpuan dalam pemarkahan.  .

Tambahan pula beliau merupakan seorang bekas Pensyarah di Pusat Pengajian Awam (IPTA). tidakkah ianya memberikan implkasi yang buruk dan mencemarkan imej institusi berkenaan.  Seseorang pensyarah, kebolehan dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggeris yang mantap adalah menjadi tuntutan dalam memenuhi wadah tugas dan tanggungjawabnya di pusat-pusat pengajian tinggi awam mahupun swasta.

Bukankah mahaswa yang menuntut di universiti tempatan yang berhasrat untuk mendapatkan ijazah diwajibkan lulus dalam ujian MUET (Malaysian University English Test). Jika mahasiswa diwajibkan lulus dalam pepereksaan MUET, apakah pensyarah dikecualikan dari melalui ujian MUET itu. Ini kerana, jika Nas Isma menduduki pepereksaan MUET berdasarkan penguasaan bahasa Inggerisnya yang dipamirkan itu, pastinya beliau akan menemui kegagalan. Sehubungan dengan itu, adakah beliau layak diterima sebagai pensyarah.

Bahasa menunjukan bangsa. Bagaimana dengan kualiti bekas graduan-graduan lepasan dari institusi berkenaan yang pernah menuntut dari pensyarah ini. Ini yang amat dikesalkan.

Pada hakikatnya kita inginkan institiut melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti dalam bidang yang diceburi mereka selain dari penguasaan bahasa yang mantap. Itulah matlamat penubuhan Institiut, Pastinya kita tidak mahu Institiut melahirkan prostitiut


Inilah yang menggamit saya mengutarakan teguran yang bertujuan memperbetulkan mana yang salah. Walaupun kemampuan saya sendiri dalam penguasaan bahasa Inggeris tidak begitu mantap, Ini kerana saya hanyalah seorang "layman" dan jika berlaku kesilapan "grammer" dalam tata bahasa dari segi "tenses" (Present Perfect Tense atau Past Perfect Tense), verbs, adverbs, adjectives dan seumpamnya, ia tidak begitu ketara. Mungkin juga saya melakukan "typograhical errrors" dalam pengolahan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan.

Oleh kerana Nas Isma adalah ahli dan Pegawai Penerangan UMNO dan saya pula berada di dalam saf parti yang tidak sehaluan dengannya, tentulah dalam masa yang sama, saya mengambil peluang untuk mengritik dengan bahasa yang kasar. Itu adalah tindakan yang lumrah apabila berhadapan dengan seterunya. Tidak mungkin bagi seseorang akan menggunakan bahasa yang lembut apabila berhadapan dengan situasi itu.

Sehubungan dengan itu juga saya menyanjungi akan respons positif dari Puan
Rio Hirowati dalam isu ini. Terima kasih.


--- On Sun, 4/10/11, Shamsur Sihabuddin <mohd.shamsur@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Shamsur Sihabuddin <mohd.shamsur@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: RG09... Kelas Bahasa Inggeris
To: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Cc: "mohd shahir" <shahir74@yahoo.com>
Date: Sunday, April 10, 2011, 10:32 PM


Correction for para_jump.
Nas Isma,
What a horribly terrible, terribly horrible  English is this. <--- ???????
Being a former lecturer in the higher learning institution, it was most disgusting* to learn that the sentences in this article was written by a such highly educated person. By reading your article, I wonder, how UMNO engaged you as their Information Officer <--- "how" was incorrectly used..replace with "why".
if you insist on using "how" then the answer to that question would be.."through the processes of Human Resource Department at UMNO in line with the current Malaysian Labour Law"
"why" is appropriate as it implies to his/her English.
.No doubt, how UMNO is in shambles. <--- again "how" was incorrectly used as it does not jive with the connotation intended. If you insist on using "how", then clarify whether the sentence should be a question or a statement.
In the aviation industry <-- check grammar, this is called "Foreign Object Damaged (FOD) which may be extremely detrimental to the safety of equipment, aircrews and passengers.<--- excellent! *applause*
Have you ever communicated <-- check grammar with foreigners in both written <--- delete and replace with "either in writing" (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) and orally spoken
<--- huh? come again? check in dictionary for the meaning of oral and delete redundancy (conference, meeting, telephone conversation,  discussion; etc)  whereby the medium (was/is) in  English. <-- kindly choose according to correct tense.

Would you think that the above reconstruction, rephrases of the sentences and the selection of words, were more appropriate and can be easily understood.

In English, you have to select the right words and phrases in order to construct your sentences. The word "Enter" cannot be used as a verb to describe a non-physical object; ie. UMNO is an organization and not a physical object. Enter may be used to a physical object which can seen or felt such as buildings for an example. In this case, the word 'joined" would be more appropriate to be substituted in the above sentence.

Similarly, the next following sentence should be rephrased so as to "bridge" the former sentence which is in continuation of the description to be highlighted.
Anyway, for future articles, please be more careful in your selection of vocabulary when constructing sentences, use of appropriate phrases, grammar and nouns. The articles produced will reflect the author's or person's level, capability and the knowledge of vocabulary.  <-- refers to para_jumpa101 as well :)
apa yang boleh di belajar dari para_jump101? Jangan la garang sangat bila menegur..semua orang masih ada ruang untuk belajar dan improve..be constructive not disgusted*

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 15:49, mohd shahir <shahir74@yahoo.com> wrote:


From: nor azlin mohd nordin <azlin8@yahoo.com>
To: respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 29 March 2011 14:31:46


Salam para_jump.... tak payah la nak kutuk English orang lain dan sibuk2 nak betulkan when your English is also not without error. Sedap je kata English orang lain horribly terrible, terribly horrible.  

Di sini saya tunjukkan sebahagian kesilapan English you:

Have you ever communicate with foreigners both written (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) and orally spoken (conference, meeting, telephone conversation,  discussion; etc)  whereby the medium in English.  

The above sentence should be written as :
Have you ever communicated with foreigners either in writing (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) or oral (conference, meeting, telephone conversation,  discussion; etc)  whereby the medium was English?  

One shouldn't condemn other's capability when he himself are not yet perfect. 

From: lah68 ripen <lah68_ripen@yahoo.com.sg>
To: para_jump101 airborne <air_strike101@yahoo.com>
Cc: PerisikRakyat@yahoogroups.com; respeks_group@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, March 28, 2011 9:33:07 PM


Student yang sepatutnya dapat A di bagi B dan yang sepatutnya dapat C dia bagi A+.. hehehee..aku dah kata.. assingment student yang terbaik dia ubahsuai jadi tesis dia kot..?
heheheeee.heee... nampaknya dia kena belajar dari Naza pula...
Aku memang hancur kalau BI ni.. tapi sekurang-kurangnya aku masih faham dan boleh baca BI, cuma tak tahu kalau ada kesilapan... kiranya para_jump ni memang boleh tahan BI dia...
Aku guna BM jer ler.... 

From: para_jump101 airborne <air_strike101@yahoo.com>
To: KENALAN-ABADI@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Nas Isma <angahku_01@yahoo.com>; xstream <pejal71@gmail.com>; Hasno bin Hashim Hashim <hasno.hashim@yahoo.com>; that421@yahoo.com; Roslan Salleh <roslan.salleh@yahoo.com.my>; wafi_74@yahoo.com.my; wwannora@yahoo.com; zwh80_aries@yahoo.com; Aziz <aziz@precico.com.my>; MURAD <murad@precico.com.my>; mdrozali.mohdnor@samsung.com; tokda tokda <tokda_tokda@yahoo.com>; taufik ahmad <taufik26878@yahoo.com>; lah68_ripen@yahoo.com.sg; Nik Mahdhir Ariffin Nik <nikmahdhir_82@yahoo.com.my>; Fiqa Huda <fiqahuda@yahoo.com.my>; farhansobri@yahoo.com; nazacomp@gmail.com; Najib Malik <sham_najib@yahoo.com>; UMNO - Zulkepli Abu Samah <zas62000@yahoo.com.sg>; yusri khatib <yusri762002@yahoo.com>; faridahib@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, 27 March 2011 22:09:39

Nas Isma,

What a horribly terrible, terribly horrible English is this. Being a former lecturer in the higher learning institution, it was most disgusting to learn that the sentences in this article was written by a such highly educated person. By reading your article, I wonder, how UMNO engaged you as their Information Officer. No doubt, how UMNO is in shambles. In aviation industry, this is called "Foreign Object Damaged (FOD) which may be extremely detrimental to the safety of equipment, aircrews and passengers.

Have you ever communicate with foreigners both written (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) and orally spoken (conference, meeting, telephone conversation,  discussion; etc)  whereby the medium in English. 

Anyway, please allow me to reconstruct and rephrase the sentences to be in a more appropriate English as below:

"Anwar joined UMNO, a national political party in 1983, during which I was then a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. Whereas I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch.

"Although I was much younger than him but I was senior in term of membership. His success to rise up the ladder and gained political power smoothly mainly due to the full support and backings from Dr M. However, he was later sacked in 1998 from UMNO due to his wrongdoings. Obviously, he was popular but least not to forget that no one is perfect anyway.. I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserved to become our next Prime Minister. What is your response ?"


Would you think that the above reconstruction, rephrases of the sentences and the selection of words, were more appropriate and can be easily understood.

In English, you have to select the right words and phrases in order to construct your sentences. The word "Enter" cannot be used as a verb to describe a non-physical object; ie. UMNO is an organization and not a physical object. Enter may be used to a physical object which can seen or felt such as buildings for an example. In this case, the word 'joined" would be more appropriate to be substituted in the above sentence.

Similarly, the next following sentence should be rephrased so as to "bridge" the former sentence which is in continuation of the description to be highlighted.
Anyway, for future articles, please be more careful in your selection of vocabulary when constructing sentences, use of appropriate phrases, grammar and nouns. The articles produced will reflect the author's or person's level, capability and the knowledge of vocabulary. 


--- On Tue, 3/22/11, Nas Isma <angahku_01@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Nas Isma <angahku_01@yahoo.com>
To: "xstream" <pejal71@gmail.com>, "Hasno bin Hashim Hashim" <hasno.hashim@yahoo.com>
Cc: "MalaysiaNews" <MalaysiaNews@yahoogroups.com>, PerisikRakyat@yahoogroups.com, KENALAN-ABADI@yahoogroups.com, that421@yahoo.com, "Roslan Salleh" <roslan.salleh@yahoo.com.my>, wafi_74@yahoo.com.my, wwannora@yahoo.com, zwh80_aries@yahoo.com, "Aziz" <aziz@precico.com.my>, "MURAD" <murad@precico.com.my>, mdrozali.mohdnor@samsung.com, "tokda tokda" <tokda_tokda@yahoo.com>, "taufik ahmad" <taufik26878@yahoo.com>, lah68_ripen@yahoo.com.sg, "Nik Mahdhir Ariffin Nik" <nikmahdhir_82@yahoo.com.my>, "Fiqa Huda" <fiqahuda@yahoo.com.my>, farhansobri@yahoo.com, nazacomp@gmail.com, "Najib Malik" <sham_najib@yahoo.com>, "UMNO - Zulkepli Abu Samah" <zas62000@yahoo.com.sg>, "para_jump101 airborne" <air_strike101@yahoo.com>, "yusri khatib" <yusri762002@yahoo.com>, faridahib@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2011, 5:11 PM

Anwar has entered UMNO politics since 1983, I was a lecturer at ITM Terengganu and entered UMNO politics since 1981 at Bandar Kluang Branch. I am much younger than him but more senior in term of membership. He climbed the ladder of success and gained political power smoothly because of support from Dr M but he was sacked in 1998 because of his wrongdoings. Yes he is popular but do not forget, no one is perfect anyway... I believed with all the lies and troubles he brought to himself, to his family, to his fellow friends and to his country... he is not worth it to become our next Prime Minister. What do you think?

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