He is famous mausoleum Yanlin the fact that there have unearthed another terracotta army protected by peace of the dead emperor.This army was different from the host of Qin Shi Huang, which I wrote here that the figures of warriors were executed on a smaller scale, about one-third of human growth.
To get to the mausoleum of Yanlin Xian is not difficult if you go by taxi. The complex is located 20 kilometers north of Xi'an, the river Weihe. If the reach of public transport, as I did, then there must be some savvy. Directly to the tombs is a bus number 4, but he sent, not from the city center, home to all the tourists, but from a large sports complex in the north of Xi'an.
The great mystery bus number 4 is that it is an easy city bus, etc. e. stops at almost all stops. Therefore, in order to identify him, to look for number 4 on the special bus stops poles, where they write the numbers of all urban trips taking place here. He walked once in half an hour. If you Recognize the mystery of the bus, then you reach it before the mausoleum Yanlin for 1 yuan.
right entrance to the underground museum Yanlin mausoleum The mausoleum built up a large and modern museum where you can see through the glass of the major excavations at the tomb of Jing Di. Here you can see part of the clay of the imperial army, on-site detection of this. Tszindi Warriors, unlike the First Emperor's terracotta army, have not only small, but there are many other differences. Their hands were made of wood and could be rotated, as special rods were attached to the body, but unfortunately, in most cases they have not survived. For these dolls created special clothing and armor out of real materials - silk, leather, which are poorly preserved, so most of the figures now have a "costume of Adam." photos from the museum Yanlin, soldiers in decayed robes. Grow dragon's teeth! Modern reconstruction of a funeral procession seemed buried. It consisted not only of the soldiers, but servants, musicians, cooks. Were buried and models of palaces, and all that is possible - it was a buried world ... The Army was buried with many things - carts, jars for food and drink, and most meals. And the food was different - the real (as in this photos, see where the bones of animals), and made of clay, as well as the whole army. Also, several trenches were filled up to the top seed, so that food, in that light, was varied. There was wine, and sweets, nuts (by the way, found a peanut, which allegedly brought to the Old World after the discovery of America ...) Huge flocks of sheep, herds of horses, dogs (they probably also eat). The food was necessary not only for armies but also to the Emperor himself .. As you can see, they all hunger in the afterlife is not threatening .. Just as an army Qin Shi Huang, Ching-host di excavated more completely. And a substantial part of the underground facilities are not available for inspection. It should be noted that the burial chamber itself of the emperor, and if found, that not a fact also not available. Rather, it as always, did not touch it, so as not to disturb the peace of a great ancestor. Pyramid of the emperor, the first step is clearly visible mound. On the right wall of the pyramid Tszindi, and on the horizon is visible to the vertex of the Empress. Pyramid Empress Wang, his wife Ching-ti. It is located about half a kilometer from the mound of the emperor and has similar dimensions to it. Here is a pyramid of some dignitary, part of the funerary complex of Ching-ti.Each tomb - it is a smaller version of the mausoleum of the emperor, that is, there and his army of clay soldiers, servants and animals, and everything else .. There is a story that one of the generals of the Emperor Ching-ti started buying a lot of weapons, in order to put him in his future tomb. The emperor found out about it and decided that they will both be dead, the general will make in the next world military coup, using the numerical superiority of the clay warriors and prepare for it beforehand, even now, during his lifetime. And to prevent this, he starved poor general hunger and forbidden to bury him with any weapons and soldiers, it was important that the General had gone to the light with "empty hands ".... layout of the mausoleum of the general form of the emperor. This layout tomb with underground chambers. layout gives a good overview of indoor tombs of the Han Dynasty. It is not hard to guess that the same "nest" with a variety of moves, transitions, located near each pyramid near Xi'an City and waiting in the wings to be born. In the underground part, there was also ground, consisting of various wooden pavilions, not surviving of our time. The best-preserved city walls and the ruins of the complex gate. In the image seen them mock-reconstruction. I first decided that the Chinese are, as always, made another remake. But they wisely this layout hides the real ruins of the fortress gates, which appear naturally not so fresh, and protects them from the weather. The ruins of the gate.Tszindi Pyramid and the ruins of the gate of the burial of the photo from the museum's mausoleum Yanlin. Yanlin In the complex there is a museum, it collected artifacts found during excavations of the tombs and many photos that I posted here. It is located about a mile from the pyramid of the emperor.There you can get free travel on a special car, locomotive or walk, which is somewhat a chore, because it will have to cross the freeway. But this tour gives a good indication of the extent of the burial complex. About the museum, too, have unearthed the tomb, but they are not available for inspection.Their whereabouts are issued, only a small booth on the surface with closed doors and numerous mine ventilation. About the museum, I'll do a separate post. So to be continued .. More of my posts, dedicated to China, the Pyramids of China Beijing Summer Palaces. Victor Segal and China. The tomb of the First Emperor of China Mummies China. Chinese tombs of the Ming Dynasty. The Great Wall - the section Tszinshanlin "Forest of Pagodas" Tanchzhesy monastery. The walls and towers of Beijing. Forbidden City in Beijing.
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