Saturday, June 2, 2012

Re: RG2011... Sultan Ibrahim Ismail - Sultan pemurah mewarisi dari yang pemurah


cara u berfikir mcm org tak ra baca... No MB Kelantan and Kedah tu bukan no peribadi bro.. depa tak pernah masuk tender pun sebab depa tak berduit.. bayangkan MB yg berkedudukan tinggi pun tak mampu nak bayar wang sebanyak tu... ni klu geng umno, harta simpanan berjuta ringgit bro.. u memang geng tara baca punya manusia... hehehe sudahlah mengarut je mau layan org mcm lu...

From: Sr Rizz.r <>
To: respeks_group <>; Kelakar <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: RG2011... Sultan Ibrahim Ismail - Sultan pemurah mewarisi dari yang pemurah

Isu Nombor Kenderaan: Mari Sini Saya Jawab

Sehari dua ni dok kalut pasal isu pembelian nombor kenderaan.

Semuanya berpunca dari wakil rakyat Pas yang putus wayar di Perak...

Setiap orang yang nak beli nombor kenderaan , tak kira siapa, Agung, Sultan, Raja Muda, Permaisuri, Perdana Menteri, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Menteri, Menteri Besar, Exco, Ketua Pembangkang, Mursyidul Am Pas , hatta kita sendiri pun, semuanya kena beli JPJ.

JPJ pula adalah sebuah agensi dibawah Kementerian Pengangkutan.

Kementerian Pengangkutan adalah sebuah kementerian dibawah Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Setiap sen yang dibayar kepada JPJ akan menjadi duit kerajaan. Duit kerajaan pula dibelanjakan untuk rakyat dan negara.

Jadi apa masalahnya kalau orang nak beli nombor kenderaan sampai berjuta sekali pun kalau dia sanggup nak bayar atau nak bagi duitnya kepada kerajaan ?

Lagi ramai atau lagi mahal seseorang itu beli nombor kenderaannya lagi bagus kerana lagi banyak duit yang kerajaan dapat.

Sebab itu selama ini tidak pernah ada orang-orang BN pertikai pun apabila pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang beli nombor kenderaan. Kenapa kita perlu pertikai kerana mereka nak beri duit kepada kerajaan.

Tetapi apabila Sultan Johor beri wangnya RM 520 ribu kepada kerajaan untuk dapat nombor WWW 1, ada pula manusia bingai yang nak mempertikaikannya. Katanya itu membazir. Baginda nak beri wangnya kepada kerajaan, membazirkah ?

Sepatutnya rakyat Malaysia perlu ucap terima kasih kepada Baginda kerana sanggup tawar dengan harga yang tinggi kepada kerajaan untuk mendapatkan nombor berkenaan. Bertambah hasil kerajaan dan rakyat boleh dapat BR1M pula sekali lagi.....

Terima kasih Tuanku.....

Daulat Tuanku !

Daulat Tuanku !

Daulat Tuanku !

Kalau pemimpin-pemimpin Umno dan BN nak pertikai, dah lama mereka boleh pertikai satu persatu nombor-nombor kenderaan seperti dibawah.

Menteri Besar Kelantan - Nombor ini dapat free ke ?

Menteri Besar Kelantan - DAT 55 & DAB 55 - Nombor ini dapat free kah ? Ulama pun percaya nombor juga ke ?
Yang ini pun Kelantan juga - Nombor ini dapat free ke ?
Menteri Besar Kedah - Berapa harga nombor ini ?
Anak Musryidul Am Pas - Dapat free ke nombor itu ?
Bekas MB Perak yang putus wayar - tidak membazirkah itu ?
AAF 26 - Abdul Arif Fahmi 26 tahun - dapat free ke nombor ini ?
Cuba campur-campur semua harga nombor diatas cukup atau tidak untuk buat rawatan sambung balik wayar kepala otak Nizar yang putus ?

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: <>Date: 2012/5/29Subject: [kLk] Sultan Ibrahim Ismail - Sultan pemurah mewarisi dari yang pemurahTo: "" <>

NIZAR and his Frens--Jgn berburuk sangka terhadap Kesultanan Johor 

Sultan Ibrahim Ismail - Sultan pemurah mewarisi dari yang pemurah

IT is not often that one's generosity is questioned. I feel duty-bound to shed
light to prevent jaundiced criticisms on Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan

His kind gesture in presenting high-powered vehicles to the police is nothing
new but an extension of the caring attitude which is the hallmark of Johor

Lest we forget, his father the late Sultan Iskandar had presented the police
with Rolls Royce and BMW cars and motorcycles for escort duty. The vehicles were
purchased from their own pockets and not a sen from the government. I was privy
to the purchase of the Holden cars in Sydney, Australia, where Sultan Ibrahim
paid by credit card.

Although the government provided an official car every five years, Sultan
Iskandar did not opt for the privilege. He was so concerned about public funds
that he was willing to sacrifice his coronation ceremony. Instead the fund was
used for the benefit of his rakyat.

History has proven the wealth of the Johor rulers was built on determination,
ingenuity, and a bit of luck. When Temenggong Ibrahim became the ruler of Johor
in 1826, his only tangible asset was his father's pension.

Johor then was an uninhabited jungle more of a liability than an asset. The
Temenggong, burdened with the task of rebuilding the family's political
prestige, needed labour and capital to develop Johor. He had neither. But luck
was on his side.

In 1843, gutta percha (Blanco palaquin) was found in Johor. Scientists had
discovered the latex like sap could be used for insulating transoceanic
telegraph cables and the making of surgical gloves and chemical apparatus. The
means by which the Temenggong first filled his treasury was the trading monopoly
in gutta percha.

One year later, Chinese pepper and gambier planters began settling in Johor.
They moved from Singapore and Riau to Johor to escape organised triads, misuse
of opium and indebtedness.

Gambier (Uncara gambier) was used as a tanning and dyeing agent and exported to
China. The Temenggong embarked on an innovative enterprise.

Together with the Chinese, he planned for a commercial development of the
products by bringing more land under cultivation and producing a reliable source
of profit.

Historian Carl Trocki noted the Temenggong became the richest Malay in the
world. With the newly acquired wealth he was able to organise a form of
government in Johor.

Through the Kangchu and Surat Sungei system Sultan Abu Bakar was able to
increase the area and production to meet the rising world demand for pepper and

He, too, had his fair share of good luck in the shape of technological advances
like the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and telegraphic connection between
London and Singapore in 1871 which was a boon to international trade.

The period between 1874 and 1885, saw Johor at the peak of its wealth and power.
Sultan Abu Bakar introduced innovations and technology including establishing a
modern system of administration, attracting foreign investments, and increasing
the welfare of his subjects by providing schools and hospitals.

With his wealth, Sultan Abu Bakar constructed the Istana Besar in 1866.

The palace was larger than the official residence of Governor Weld in Singapore
and was a physical manifestation of a show of power and independence.

He built palaces not to flaunt his wealth but for posterity and heritage. They
now are standing symbols of our glorious past.

The resurgence of Johor's economy and increase in the personal wealth of its
rulers occurred during the reign of Sultan Ibrahim. Rubber was first planted in
Johor in 1895. Sultan Ibrahim planted 3,000 acres (1,200 ha) of rubber trees on
his land. From the wealth generated he built palaces for his family.

He also built mosques at Pasir Pelangi, Air Hitam, and Tanjong Surat. Historian
Datuk Mohamad Said noted that Sultan Ibrahim purchased horse carriages, horses,
cars, lorries and boats from the proceeds of his rubber sale. He self-financed
his numerous trips to Europe and the world.

Sultan Ismail made prudent investments of his inheritance but never forgot his
responsibilities to his rakyat.

Sultan Iskandar was a firm believer of the royal wisdom of his forefathers
wherein the inheritance should not be expended but instead expanded.

Through grit and determination when he was the Raja Muda, Sultan Iskandar set up
various companies involved in insurance, travel, sawmilling and oil palm
cultivation. The returns to the investments were more than adequate for his
personal expenditure.

He contributed all his emoluments as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to Yayasan
Iskandar, a foundation that provides scholarship for specialist degrees.

On his return, he donated his emoluments as Sultan to the Yayasan Temenggong
Abdul Rahman to provide scholarship to Johor students to institutions of higher
learning. The present ruler has declared his intention to set up a similar
foundation financed from his monthly emoluments.

As was done by his father the acquisition of personal assets by Sultan Ibrahim
is financed from his own coffers.

He was a shrewd businessman before he ascended the throne. Just like his father
he provides for passage and expenses to deserving palace officials and others to
perform the Haj. He contributes personally to the annual Kembara Mahkota
programme. The gift of assets to the police is yet another act of benevolence
initiated by his forefathers.

Dari tulisan dan usaha,

Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli - The secretary of the Johor Council of Royal Court

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