Wednesday, March 30, 2011

RG09... Mari belajar bahasa


Kwn2 RG :

Bgus semangat semua ahli..Rajin segala2 nya,menghiburkan, ambil berat dll. Moga semua trus diberkatiNya,ameen..

bak kata my Princess (semasa dia diusia 4thn) "caiyok mummy" n "Jaid jiddan" also "koung hei2".

Dia (my princess) boleh bertutur sedikit Korea, Mandarin,English, Arabic.Sekarang (7thn) baru nak belajar bahasa isyarat (dr sya sndiri) dan Bahasa Malaysia, ameen...

Yup en Hilmi : sangat baik jika mendedahkan dr awl pd ank2 kita ttg penguasaan pelbagai bhs,bukan utk dibangga2kan , supaya mereka dpt bersaing di era lbih mncabar.

Mohd Hilmi <>

"Betul, orang Jepun maju sebab sifat mereka yang rajin & berdikari. Tapi, sebenarnya kita tidak rugi belajar banyak bahasa ni. Tengok rakan kita, Dato' Mahathir Lokman, yg fasih berbahasa dekat2 10 bahasa asing & dia guna kefasihan bahasanya utk mencari rezeki (MC etc...).

Belajar bahasa lain tidak menidakkan atau merendah2kan martabat bahasa ibunda kita, Bahasa Melayu...Tak ada istilah melebih2 menggunakan English...Kemahiran penggunaan English adalah satu keperluan pada zaman globalisasi sekarang terutama yg melibatkan urusan atau perdagangan dgn negara2 luar. Malah realiti di Malaysia sendiri, kebanyakan syarikat2 swasta menggunakan English sebagai medium dlm urusan2 seharian, jadi kekurangan dalam kemahiran berbahasa Inggeris akan menimbulkan banyak masalah dlm perlaksanaan kerja2 itu sendiri.Kalau bahasa Inggeris kita lintang pukang, macamana kita membawa imej syarikat apabila kita hadir dlm mesyuarat2 yg penting.

Kalau kita tidak mahir berbahasa Inggeris, sekurang2nya kita galakkan anak2 kita utk cekap berbahasa Inggeris supaya mereka dapat bersaing dgn bangsa2 lain di masa depan. Belajar, belajar, belajar...ia sebahagian dari ilmu2 Allah yg amat bermanafaat, insyaAllah kita akan lebih cemerlang di dunia & akhirat...Wallhualam..

----- Original Message -----
From: Mohd Shukri Mohamed Talib
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 3:57 PM

org japang pun tak kalut dgn bahasa inggeris nak jadi negara maju
org melayu terlebih2 inggeris le plak nak maju
bahasa sendiri jadi macam sampah

From: smile Miss <>
Sent: Wed, March 30, 2011 2:24:43 PM

Saya rasa, elok kita bukak kelas belajar BAHASA INGGERIS ni... drpd dok salahkan sana-sini, kita pertingkatkan BI kita lagi banyak faedahnye...

Best Regards ;
Iena----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Mohd Hilmi <>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 17:35:25
Subject: Re: RG09... Mari belajar bahasa


Hahaha...banyak pulak versi translations...Actually, sy x dak niat nak jatuh air-muka cuma terpanggil utk membetulkan bahasa yg sy rasa ada kesilapan sikit..klu ada yg terkecil hati, minta maaf yer...samada Nas Isma or para_jump...or anybody...really..
I'm not an English teacher & Im still learning to perfect English daily..I studied in the USA for few years, and have been working in a private company for the last 18 years where English has been the dominant language both in writing and speaking...As of any language, it will be improved if we use it daily & regularly, and have someone else correct it along the way..insyaAllah kita boleh..Anyway, isesiapa yg nak communicate in English, boleh email to me,..we can communicate vide emails/sms & probably correct each other's mistakes...
----- Original Message -----
From: Paparazi
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: RG09... Mari belajar bahasa


Kalau nak dalam version india plak..

"अनवर 1983, जिसके दौरान मैं UiTM टेरेंगानु में एक व्याख्याता में था शामिल हो गए UMNO मैं. Bandar Kluang शाखा के माध्यम से 1981 में UMNO. शामिल हो गए हालांकि मैं ज्यादा उससे छोटी थी, मैं सदस्यता के कार्यकाल में वरिष्ठ था. उनकी सफलता की सीढ़ी को जन्म और चिकनी राजनीतिक सत्ता पाने के डॉ. एम. से पूर्ण समर्थन की वजह हालांकि था, वह बाद में था UMNO से 1998 में बर्खास्त कारण उसके गलत काम करने के लिए. जाहिर है, वह लोकप्रिय था, लेकिन कोई भी सही है .. वैसे भी मैं विश्वास के साथ दर्ज की है कि सभी झूठ और हर्जाना वह खुद के लिए बनाया है, अपने परिवार, अपने सहयोगियों और राष्ट्र के लिए .... जाहिर है, वह हमारे अगले प्रधानमंत्री बनने के लायक नहीं है. क्या आपकी प्रतिक्रिया क्या है? "

Nie plak version cine..

"安瓦爾於 1983年加入巫統,在這期間我是一個講師 UiTM丁加奴。本人於 1981年加入巫統通過班達爾居鑾分行。雖然我比他年輕得多,我是長期的資深成員。他產生了成功的階梯並獲得政治權力的順利,是因為從醫生的全力支持米,但他後來從 1998年的巫統開除由於他的錯誤行為。顯然,他是受歡迎的,但無論如何,沒有人是完美的..我相信,所有的記錄謊言和損害他自己,他的家人,同事和國家。...很明顯,他不應該成為我們下一任總理。中方對此有何反應?"

last sekali version INdon.. sebb ramai gak indon kat msia nie..

"Anwar bergabung dengan UMNO pada tahun 1983, di mana saya adalah seorang dosen di UiTM Terengganu saya bergabung. UMNO pada tahun 1981 melalui Cabang Bandar Kluang. Meskipun saya jauh lebih muda dari dia, saya senior dalam hal keanggotaan. Nya naik ke tangga keberhasilan dan mendapatkan kekuasaan politik halus adalah karena dukungan penuh dari Dr M. Namun, ia kemudian dipecat pada tahun 1998 dari UMNO karena kebejatannya. Jelas, dia populer tapi tidak ada yang sempurna pula .. Saya percaya bahwa dengan semua tercatat kebohongan dan kerusakan dia dibuat untuk dirinya, keluarganya, rekan-rekannya dan bangsa. ... jelas, dia tidak layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri berikutnya Apa tanggapan Anda?. "


On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 12:59 PM, lah68 ripen <> wrote:
My version.....(in red colour)
Nas Isma's  original version
Anwar has entered UMNO politics since 1983, I was a lecturer at ITM Terengganu and entered UMNO politics since 1981 at Bandar Kluang Branch. I am much younger than him but more senior in term of membership. He climbed the ladder of success and gained political power smoothly because of support from Dr M but he was sacked in 1998 because of his wrongdoings. Yes he is popular but do not forget, no one is perfect anyway... I believed with all the lies and troubles he brought to himself, to his family, to his fellow friends and to his country... he is not worth it to become our next Prime Minister. What do you think?
para_jump's correction version 
"Anwar joined UMNO, a national political party in 1983, during which I was then a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. Whereas I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch.

"Although I was much younger than him but I was senior in term of membership. His success to rise up the ladder and gained political power smoothly mainly due to the full support and backings from Dr M. However, he was later sacked in 1998 from UMNO due to his wrongdoings. Obviously, he was popular but least not to forget that no one is perfect anyway.. I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserved to become our next Prime Minister. What is your response ?"
Mohd Hilmi version
"Anwar joined UMNO in 1983, during which I was a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch. Although I was much younger than him, I was senior in term of membership. His rise to the ladder of success and gaining smooth political power was due to the full support from Dr M. However, he was later sacked in 1998 from UMNO due to his wrongdoings. Obviously, he was popular but no one is perfect anyway.. I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made to himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserve to become our next Prime Minister. What is your response ?"


My Version


Anwar telah memasuki politik UMNO sejak tahun 1983, saya pensyarah di ITM Terengganu dan memasuki politik UMNO sejak tahun 1981 di Bandar Kluang Cabang. Saya jauh lebih muda dari dia tetapi lebih senior dalam hal keahlian. Ia menaiki tangga kejayaan dan mendapatkan kuasa politik dengan lancar kerana sokongan dari Dr M tetapi ia dipecat pada 1998 kerana kebejatannya. Ya ia popular tapi jangan lupa, tidak ada yang sempurna toh ... Aku percaya dengan semua kebohongan dan kesulitan ia dibawa ke dirinya sendiri, untuk keluarganya, teman-teman sesama dan negaranya ... ia tidak layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri berikutnya. Bagaimana menurut anda?


Diterjemahkan oleh Google Translate...heheheeee...


From: Mohd Hilmi <>
Sent: Wednesday, 30 March 2011 11:03:01


Dear Frens,
I think para-jump's version of English is also not perfect and riddled with many gramatical errors as well. Let me point it out.
1) Anwar joined UMNO, a national political party in 1983, during which I was then a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu.
correction => Anwar joined UMNO in 1983, during which I was a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. (most Malaysians know UMNO, so don't need to explain ; during which = then, don't repeat)
1) Whereas I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch. = I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch (don't start a sentence with Whereas)
2)Although I was much younger than him but I was senior in term of membership
correction => Although I was much younger than him, I was senior in term of membership (don't combine Although with but) 
3) His success to rise up the ladder and gained political power smoothly mainly due to the full support and backings from Dr M
 a) His success to rise up the ladder => rise up? rise = to get up, don't repeat; the ladder of what? ; support = backing (dont repeat)
 correction => His rise to the ladder of success and gaining smooth political power was mainly due to the full support from Dr M.
4) Obviously, he was popular but least not to forget that no one is perfect anyway
correction => Obviously, he was popular but no one is perfect anyway. (make it simple)
4) I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserved to become our next Prime Minister.
correction  => I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made to himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserve to become our next Prime Minister.
5) Have you ever communicate with foreigners both written (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) and orally spoken (conference, meeting, telephone conversation,  discussion; etc)  whereby the medium in English. 
correction => Have you ever communicated with foreigners either in writing (letters, fax, e-mail, telegraph; etc) or oral (conference, meeting, telephone conversation, discussion; etc)  whereby the medium was English?  

Nas Isma's  original version
Anwar has entered UMNO politics since 1983, I was a lecturer at ITM Terengganu and entered UMNO politics since 1981 at Bandar Kluang Branch. I am much younger than him but more senior in term of membership. He climbed the ladder of success and gained political power smoothly because of support from Dr M but he was sacked in 1998 because of his wrongdoings. Yes he is popular but do not forget, no one is perfect anyway... I believed with all the lies and troubles he brought to himself, to his family, to his fellow friends and to his country... he is not worth it to become our next Prime Minister. What do you think?
para_jump's correction version 
"Anwar joined UMNO, a national political party in 1983, during which I was then a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. Whereas I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch.

"Although I was much younger than him but I was senior in term of membership. His success to rise up the ladder and gained political power smoothly mainly due to the full support and backings from Dr M. However, he was later sacked in 1998 from UMNO due to his wrongdoings. Obviously, he was popular but least not to forget that no one is perfect anyway.. I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserved to become our next Prime Minister. What is your response ?"
My version
"Anwar joined UMNO in 1983, during which I was a lecturer in UiTM Terengganu. I joined UMNO in 1981 through Bandar Kluang Branch. Although I was much younger than him, I was senior in term of membership. His rise to the ladder of success and gaining smooth political power was due to the full support from Dr M. However, he was later sacked in 1998 from UMNO due to his wrongdoings. Obviously, he was popular but no one is perfect anyway.. I trust that with all the recorded lies and damages he made to himself, his family, his colleagues and to the nation. ... obviously, he does not deserve to become our next Prime Minister. What is your response ?"
I'm sure lepas ni ada yg akan buat correction/penambah-baikan. I welcome that. I hope my years in Purdue University is not wasted..
Kalau kita nak buat correction, boleh tapi biar la betul supaya org kata jangan jadi macam "ketam nak mengajar anak2nya berjalan betul?". Lagi satu, biar kita ikhlas kalau betul2 nak correct Grammar org, buat la correction. Jgn nak kaitkan dgn penulisan dgn parti org tu pulak...Think positively n selamat beramal...


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 9:42 PM

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